Having confidence is so important in playing violin. From knowing to where to place your fingers on the strings to how to hold the apply pressure on the bow, confidence determines the quality of sound and accuracy of the notes.
I think of it like learning to downhill ski. Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and stop worrying about falling or making mistakes. If you fall, make it a bold and spectacular one. With each wrong turn, there will be learning, and when you fail miserably, your mistakes leading to the fall is more obvious. Only when you know why you fell or played a wrong note, can you conceivably correct that mistake and avoid making it in the future.
I notice that just practicing for a short time each day, it does wonders on my natural confidence for playing. Somehow my hands and fingers learn and remember while I sleep, and the next day, I naturally know where and how to hold the instrument without as much hesitation as the day before. The brain is a wonderful thing!
For lots of wonderful exercises (free!) check out the popular Violin Site for some great practice exercises.
Yeah, sleep is very important.
This is a great site about starting to learn the violin. You're remark about it being much like downhill skiing is a good analogy. I think that a lot of people shy away from learning an instrument because they are afraid of what they DON'T know! That is a great point!
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